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Monday, June 27, 2011

Sometimes Black & White Images Are Just... Better!

Years ago when all you had was Tri-X or Recording Film (Yes,other film manufacturers other than Kodak made similar products.) and various different film developers to try and gain every last bit of light sensitivity the film could give you, I remember wishing I could do color images at the same film sensitivity levels.  Back then it just wasn't possible to do at the venues I was trying to photograph at.  I'd say that if I had to rely on film I'd still be pretty much B&W for most indoor and night events as the lighting hasn't improved much over the years.

Now I have available digital image sensors that can capture a really great looking color image at ISO ratings in excess of 10,000.  If you can barely see it, you can capture an image.  So, where does that bring us? 

The black and white image that didn't need color.
I have been looking at this one exposure and I kept tweaking it here and there and it finally hit me.  This one is just better in B&W.  It has a face with a great set of eyes, bodies banging against each other lots of people in a very small space.  I knew something was missing.  Actually it had something it didn't need, color.

So, here is the result and I like it much better than the color version.  More gritty and raw.  Taken during the middle of the day when I could have shot color years ago too!  Funny about how you wish for things and then end up where you started.

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