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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Leica M8 With Firelight (Beer Drinking, Bonfire and Hayride)

(Brighton, IL USA) Three friends sit on a bale of straw during an annual fall bonfire and hayride. L to R Bill Huebener, Bob Sancamper and Art Tunnicliff.  Leica M8 and Voigtlander 35mm f1.2  1/20 second at f1.4

(Brighton, IL USA) A young boy and his dad sitting near a roaring bonfire at an annual fall party.   Leica M8 and Voigtlander 35mm f1.2.  1/20 second at f1.4
Went to a fall party that included a day of shooting most every type of firearm available to the general public, followed by a bonfire and hayride.  I used my Leica M8 to capture a few images after dark to see how well it worked with firelight.

As expected, because of the extreme IR sensitivity, full color images have a distinct magenta cast.  The black and white images look superb considering the conditions.

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