(Grafton, IL) A view up the river from the boat that laid memorial wreaths on the water to honor veterans. The wreath laying was one of the many activities associated with Grafton's 175 year anniversary. |
(Grafton, IL) Grafton celebrated it's 175th anniversary with activities that included a wreath laying ceremony at the confluence of the Missisippi and Illinois rivers. The wreaths were laid as part of the boat parade. Wreaths for WW2, Korea, Vietnam and MIA's were placed on the water by veterans. The WW2/Korea wreath was laid by Herb Jilek, a 91 year old veteran of the Normandy invasion.
(Grafton, IL) Herbert Jilek, a 91 year old WW2 veteran that participated in the D-Day Normandy invasion is tossing a wreath into the water at the confluence of the Missisippi and Illinois rivers as part of Grafton's aniiversary celebration. While underway on the boat, the veteran recalled how he believed he was only alive because "good Germans" had decided to surrender rather than continue to fight. He said that at that time there were so few of his unit left that had the Germans known, their position likely would have been overrun and he would have been killed along with the remainder of his unit. |
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